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Axe Test Automation Platform

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XML document validation

Has anyone done any XML document validation with multiple records?
I've been doing XML document testing for ages but only with one record i.e response from Soap message but now I want to test large XML documents that have multiple records.
Looking at the Axe help it doesn't explain how, once you've loaded in the file, how to check a particular record.
I get the first record o.k but this is repeated throughout the check.
Maybe I'm missing something obvious here but Help doesn't explain it very well, the example looks like the wrong data?
Russell Ball Send private email
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Hi Russ,

This can be achieved through standard xpath nodeset expressions so as such isn't really part of Axe. Although I agree some extra examples in this area would be beneficial.

Example to return 'personId' from the third person record:

You could then parameterise the record number using a custom action which took this as a parameter.

Sam Warwick Send private email
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Yes, Sam , sorry realised may mistake shorting after posting this.
Have now setup object map with all of the rows required for each of the records and this test now works fine.
Thanks anyways
Russell Ball Send private email
Thursday, November 1, 2012

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